2019 In Retrospect

Looking back on 2019, Greater Portland Iris Society had a very busy and productive year. February we hosted an out of town American Iris Society  Judge for a Judges Training. Bonnie Nichols of Texas did a great job talking to us about the American Iris Societies newest section “Novelty Irises”. Embracing not only different shaped flowers i.e., flatty forms but also differences in foliage whether it has purple base foliage or variegated.

Bonnie Nichols with GPIS President John Ludi

It will be interesting and fun to watch this new Section of The American Iris Society grow and evolve.

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Looking Back on 2018

Looking back on 2018 the members of The Greater Portland Iris Society had a very busy year. The first event we invited Patrick Spence and wife Margaret from our sister club King County Iris Society, Seattle, WA to give a Judges Training on “Pacific Coast Irises”.

Iris douglasiana one of our local native iris.
Iris douglasiana one of our local native irises

They did a fine job of refreshing us to the many different species and wonders of this small class of iris found in and around our own backyards.  Continue reading “Looking Back on 2018”

Early Iris Show 2018

Winter’s grip is giving way to Spring’s awakening with our Early Iris Show, Sunday, May 6th. This is our fourth year being hosted by Master Gardeners of Clackamas County, Oregon at their “Spring Garden Fair” in Canby, Oregon.  We will be located in the Main Pavilion building along with the Ikabana Schools of Portland, Oregon.

Two judging panels evaluating the early bloom entries for ribbons
Two judging panels evaluating the early bloom entries at the 2017 show

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Spring Iris Sale 2018

Greater Portland Iris Society would like to invite you to join us for our 2018 Spring Iris Sale, April 14-15 at the Portland Expo Center. Here you will find many different irises in size and color for your garden. The plants in active Spring growth will all be potted for easy transplanting right away or may be held for later planting.

Our booth at the 2017 Spring Sale

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Late Iris Show 2017

Did you know here in the Willamette Valley the iris season lasts several months. With the peak of the early-season the end of April into May. The mid-season with Siberians and the well known Tall Bearded blooming for Memorial Weekend. The late-season goes from June into July. The Greater Portland Iris Society would like to invite you to our late iris show for 2017, Sunday June 11. Location: Portland Nursery 9000 SE Division, Portland OR, 10 am to 4 pm, free to the public.

Late-season June bloom of the iris family

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Early Iris Show 2017

Greater Portland Iris Society invites you to our Early Iris Show 2017, Sunday May 7th, 10 to 4. Our host will be Clackamas Master Gardeners at their Spring Fair Plant Sale with the gates opening to the public at 9 am. Admission is $5 per person with 15 and under free, the Floral Show is free with this entry. This year we will again be inviting the Ikebana Society to showcase their craft of floral arranging at the show. We are also pleased and invite you to attend a class at 2:30 given by the current President of the local chapter of Ikebana. She will be giving a floral demonstration while talking of the different schools and their disciplines.

A beautiful garden style from last year’s show

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