2019 In Retrospect

Looking back on 2019, Greater Portland Iris Society had a very busy and productive year. February we hosted an out of town American Iris Society  Judge for a Judges Training. Bonnie Nichols of Texas did a great job talking to us about the American Iris Societies newest section “Novelty Irises”. Embracing not only different shaped flowers i.e., flatty forms but also differences in foliage whether it has purple base foliage or variegated.

Bonnie Nichols with GPIS President John Ludi

It will be interesting and fun to watch this new Section of The American Iris Society grow and evolve.

Our first plant sale of the season (early spring) was hosted by the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon. Named “Hortlandia” this their 31st year is one of the largest plant sales in Oregon, with us being just one of 85 specialty nurseries selling plants.

Saturday’s crowd at Hortlandia spring plant sale

This year we almost sold out on the first of the two day sale. Later we found out from Hardy Plant Society of Oregon that a record number of people attended. With our sale’s booth close to the back wall we were able to watch firsthand the twelve checkout stations back-up with a queue that took over an hour to navigate.

Yes, these people are in line! The checkout line wrapped around the entire building along the wall.

Later in the summer Portland Nursery hosted us for our last two plant sales.In August we focus on all of the classes of Bearded Iris, the September sale Focuses on the Beardless.

2019 Spring Region 13 Tour at Mt Pleasant Iris Farm

Spring we hosted the Region 13 Board Meeting with two gardens on tour,  highlighting newer iris introductions. Aitken’s Salmon Creek Garden and Mt Pleasant Iris Farm were blessed with good weather and full colorful mid-season bloom for all to take notes and enjoy.

Judges Team One L-R, Debra Gillespie, Barbara Aitken, David Schreiner, Margaret Spence, and John Vacchiery

Sanctioned by the American Iris Society we hosted two iris shows open to the public to enjoy and explore the different colors and forms of our favorite flower. The Early Show, nine exhibitors had grown, cut, transported and staged 185 entries.

Judges Team Two L-R, Terry Aitken, Linda Vacchiery, Sarah Wylder, Teakum Young, and Patrick Spence

Best of Show was won by Paul Black exhibiting ‘Aunt Pitty Pat’ an Intermediate Bearded. William Plotner won “Best Seedling” of show with a Pacific Coast Native Hybrid, ‘X-1’.

Late Show Judges team L-R, Rita Butler, Bruce Filardi, Patrick Spence, Teakum Young

The Late Show, seven exhibitors brought in 55 entries, with an almost even split between Iris ensata (Japanese) and Spuria irises. Best of Show a species Iris foetidissima was brought in and staged by John Ludi. Best Seedling ’11JD1′ grown and exhibited by Chad Harris is a very large 3F lilac Iris ensata.

Best Design Late Show
Best Design Early Show

Best floral display for both the Early and Late Shows was awarded to John Ludi




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